Monday, August 21, 2006

first day of school...

oooooh boy. hello. monday morning. fresh start to another semester.... here we go. mom called home to get ma to wake me up this morning at like get ready for class...YEAH THAT IS SO GREAT WHEN I DON'T HAVE CLASS UNTIL 1:30 PM....I REALLY WANTED TO GET UP WAY EARLIER THAN I PLANNED TO. other than that, I'M HAPPY. gotta get back into the rythem...

mondays and wednesdays i have 3 classes.... 2d art, western art history, and psychology. i basically get to stay on campus from 1:30 all the way up until like 9 pm. so that should be FUN. tuesdays and thursdays i only have one class @2:30: intro to programming. FUN, eh? we'll see how it goes....

so i got two hours to sit around and do i mean 'mentally prepare' for my first day of classes.


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