Tuesday, June 20, 2006

superman fever

yo yo. what's new? how's goes it? it goes, for me. yet another lovely week. two more weeks left of summer school. doing okay so far. can't wait for it to be OVER. and you know what else is in two weeks? SUPERMAN RETURNS. i cannot wait. i mean, it has to be better than x3. man that was godawful. so i've been beefing up for the newest superman movie. lately i've got into 'smallville' and been burning and watching all of those dvds. although i've always mostly been a marvel fanboy...i've gotten into dc comics latley...especially the book 'superman/batman.' hmmm and last night...i finally sat down and watched the original superman with christopher reeves and gene hackman. wow. it was so good. so good that even today, it still stands as a great movie. even though the special effects are kind of outdated. i am hoping when i walk into the theatre on june 30th...that it will do for me what is was like for you old people seeing the original superman, for the first time. so today is tuesday=dvduesday. gonna burn some movies. gonna watch supermanII. although i probably won't watch supermanIIIandIV because i was told by my comic guy that i should pretend they don't exist. were they really that bad? well, catch you on the flip flop. later n00bs.

and check this out...a new paper mario game, looks badass:

ok, later for real.

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